Monday, February 17, 2014

Our Little Family

I love this little bunch of mine…

This poor little munchkin is the victim of way too much love…:)

Month #5

Mia is our world.  We have had the happiest 5 months with our happy baby girl.  We're the luckiest parents in the world! Mia is getting close to rolling from back to belly.  She is trying to figure out how to sit up, but not quite there yet.  She loves to scream, especially when we are supposed to be quiet, like at church.  She loves toys and playing.  She is growing so big and we just love her so much!

I love the way she looks at Chris. She's smitten.

I love this little baby so much, and she brings Chris and I so much closer together.


The day before Valentine's day Chris surprised me with my gift;  a day of snowboarding at The Canyons and new snowboarding gear! It was the perfect gift.  We had so much fun together!

Chris got ahead of me at one point on our way down the slope.  When I caught up to him, I found him with half of his board stuck in the snow!

Sweet Little Cousins

A few weeks ago Kyle, Charise, and the boys headed off to Florida for some fun in Disneyworld!  So Chris, Mia, and I got to spend some time with sweet baby Lyla.  Lyla is completely adorable, and I loved seeing these sweet babies look at each other and try to figure out what was going on.  

Lyla is a tiny little girl.  She's 5 months older than Mia, but Mia is about her same size.  The camera angle in the pictures makes Mia look a little bigger, but really they are about the same size, with Lyla being just a little bit longer.

Lyla crawled over Mia, and Mia just looked at me in shock :)