Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Month #8

I love this little sweetie beyond words! It's so fun to see her getting so big and learning to communicate.  Mia loves to babble.  She calls me "mama" and Chris "dada".  She loves smiling and waving. She scoots and rolls herself all over the place, but she hasn't quite mastered crawling yet.  This little sweetie has melted our hearts!

The cheesiest!

My heart can hardly stand this face :):)

She's already gotten her finger smooshed a time or two..

Sweet little twiners

First owie.  Didn't shed one tear.

Mia loves to read books. I find her like this all the time!

We have got one headstrong baby girl on our hands :) Mia will definitely let us know what she wants, and this face is her new favorite ways to say "no more"…:)  We are so in love.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day

Sunday was my first Mother's day as a mom.  I feel like the day is backwards.  I feel so honored and blessed to be sweet little Mia's mommy.  I feel like Mother's day should be a celebration of her and how lucky I am to have her in my life, not the other way around.  But on the other hand, I love the opportunity Mother's day gives me to show my amazing mom and my sweet Kim mom how much I love them and appreciate them in my life.  I don't know what I would do without these two amazing women. One of them raised me, and the other raised the man of my dreams! Both of them love me more than I deserve and are always there for me with love and support.  Happy mother's day to you both!  

One of the best things about Mother's day is our missionary Skype calls.  A.J. called first from Germany on Sunday morning.  Kim and Brian called Chris and I at about 7:00 to tell us that A.J. was calling.  In all the commotion of trying to get there before A.J.'s time to talk with us was up, sadly I forgot to bring my camera or take any pictures.  A.J. is such a sweet missionary.  He truly loves the people and has such a strong desire to work hard and do everything in his power to make a difference.  He is such a funny missionary :) we love him so much!

Bruce called from Panama next.  This boy's sweet spirit never ceases to amaze me.  He is always smiling!  Nothing ever seems to dampen his spirits.  He is so intent on changing people's lives with the gospel, and his deep love for the gospel and for us is so touching!  We love Bruce!

Cambria's call from the Phillipines came last.  Cambria only has about 3 months left on her mission, and she has so much to show for it.  Cambria's dedication, hard work, and charity for the people is inspiring!  I love this girl so much and I am so proud of her!

Seeing my little missionaries' faces is such a blessing!  I love all of them so much, and can't wait till they are back.  But until then, I am so proud of what they are doing!

Happy Mother's Day to Chris and Mia!  These two made me a mommy, and have given me a happier life than I ever dreamed of. I love you two so much!

My first Mother's Day present…LOVE!

Also, I cut my bangs

Monday, May 5, 2014


The Saturday before Easter, Mia had her first Easter egg hunt at her Great Grandma and Grandpa Smith's.  

Not a fan of that grass…:)

 My little sweetie all ready for church on Easter.