Friday, January 22, 2016

Rhett: Month #2

Rhett has been rolling from his stomach to his back since he was a little more than 4 weeks old. He is becoming so aware of the people around him and loves to smile and coo. He moved to a crib this month and usually sleeps 6 hour stretches at night (sometimes he gets up to 9 hours at a time!) 

11.15 lbs (50th %)
23.1 inches (50th %)

Friday, January 8, 2016

Christmas Break

Mia and Lyla hiding in a cabinet

Early morning snuggles with daddy

For Christmas, my sisters and I surprised our boys with day passes to Canyons.

And Chris surprised me with an overnight stay at The Canyons resort and two days of snowboarding! 

The view from our room

I love spending time with this boy so much!