Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Month #7

Our little Rhett boy is such a stud! We love him so stinking much! This month he has started eating tons of solids, cereal puffs, and yogurt melt baby treats. He has gotten so good at picking up the food and getting it to his mouth and is so much more coordinated with toys now. He has started trying to ditch his third nap lately, and I'm a complete sucker for him, so it usually works. He popped his bottom two teeth at the same time just a few days ago, and hasn't acted upset by it at all, just chews on things a lot. He has been up on all fours rocking back and forth and scooting backwards all month and a few days ago, on Father's day, he finally started crawling! He completely lights up our lives with his constant, heart breaker smile.

When Mia was a baby, she hated the feeling of grass but Rhett has always loved it

I have an obsession with Rhett sleeping… 

 Rhett and his little mob of baby cousins. 6 Bitter babies in 15 months!

 Lately Rhett makes this face where he sucks in his lips and chews on them all the time! 

 I love the way he chews his thumb in the corner of his 
mouth like that

 Is this kid not just the most major stud?!

 Rhett's first two teeth just popping through

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Father's Day

Before Chris came into my life, I could probably count on one hand the amount of times in my life I had cried happy tears. After Chris, that number went way up, and now that we have babies it probably happens about once every other week (and that's probably underestimating). Chris has turned me into a happy little wreck, and a HUGE part of that is seeing him as a dad to our babies. Chris as a dad is completely irresistible. 

Mia thinking she is so big

 I made buttermilk pancakes with carmel buttermilk syrup for 
Father's day breakfast. I also made bacon and eggs, but those don't look as good in a picture ;)

Saturday, June 18, 2016

I went downstairs for about two seconds and came up to these two hooligans looking like this. P.S. Rhett was in that bouncer when I went downstairs. Notice how the bouncer is tipped over? Rhett never cried at all and they were both smiling and laughing when I came up. What?? Ha ha… 

Came out from putting Rhett down for a nap to find this

Brushing teeth "all by myself"


"This is a nice dinner mom"

While I was nursing Rhett- "You feeding Rhett with your elbows, mommy?"

I was reading a book and Mia came and sat by me and asked "What does is say mommy? Mia loves mommy and daddy?"

One of my favorite things Mia has ever said: "I love you mommy… We'll be best friends forever!"