Saturday, March 17, 2018


9 1/2 weeks

Chris got his way again and we got another puppy…:) He's completely adorable, and we love him already.

Sunday, March 4, 2018

St George Trip

 We took a trip to St. George so Chris could help his grandparents look for a new house down there, and were able to meet up with Kyle and Charise over the weekend. It was so fun to getaway and relax with family. The Children's Museum is always a huge hit with the kids. Mia and Rhett were obsessed with these two "pet dinos" for at least a good hour. And Mia was loving this princess dress she found.

We got lunch and took it over to Pioneer Park. It was so beautiful to eat on the park tables and then head off exploring in the red rock. They all loved running around and feeling like they were on top of the world.

I loved seeing an independent and adventurous side of Mia's personality really come out. She was such a confident little climber, and didn't want me to help her. She was just so brave and wild and free <3 She kept saying things like, "I'm a nature girl!" and when she was standing on the big rock looking out she said, "We can see all the nature!"

This boy could literally kill me with those squints :) :) <3

Can you spot Mia? ;)

It was the funnest little adventure, but really sad that Chris couldn't be there since he was helping his grandparents move

After lunch Kyle wanted to take the kids to a trampoline park to celebrate Jonas' birthday. Rhett and Mia had the funnest time! It made me want to take them to trampoline parks more often. They could run and jump around and climb up and slide down these tramp ramps all day!

Love this girl.

I could seriously cry looking at how big Rhett looks swimming around all by himself with nothing but little arm floaties on! Chris was such a good dad helping teach Rhett to do this and then not being afraid to let him do it! I'm not going to lie, I was kinda freaking out inside seeing my baby off on his own literally swimming laps around the pool as the bigger kids were jumping in and out and big waves would come over him, or he would gag and choke on mouthfuls of water! But Chris was calm and I realized that Rhett was confident in himself and could handle it, and me jumping in to save him would only take away from that. It was a really proud/exciting and at the same time really sad/bittersweet moment seeing him kind of grow up in an instant like that before my eyes! He's just the best little boy ever!!!

Swimming and playing with the big kids all by himself!