Tuesday, October 31, 2023


Mia made this headband and a bunch of other really cute things with her sewing machine she got for her birthday

Meeting Janette Hoke, my mom's half sister

Rhett properly attired to watch the Jazz game from the couch :)

The kids meeting their baby cousin Addy for the first time

Peppers from the garden bigger than our faces

A bowl full of jalapeƱos to make jalapeƱo poppers <3

On a field trip with Reesie to Black Island Farms

Pumpkin carving

Rhett was the only one to carve his all by himself. I love it!






Tessa has been potty trained since before we went to Disneyland, but she still wears a diaper at night and has accidents at night sometimes. We were almost out of her diapers, and so I was telling her that I didn't want to buy anymore diapers, so she had to not go potty in her diaper at night anymore. We had a conversation involving her telling me she liked going potty in her diaper and she didn't want to stop, she wanted more diaper, and me telling her no, she needed to stop going potty in her diaper. As I was snuggling her into her bed a little later she said, 

"Mom, I not very happy at you."

Me- "Why???"

Tessa - "Becaaauuuse you won't buy me more diapers at the store."

Scoopa den gonna (Zupa Tuscana; a soup I make)

We woke up one morning to frost on the ground and Chris was talking about how cold it was outside. Tessa said, "There's frosting outside!" (Frost)

(After Tessa and I kissed) "We did the true love."


"Hunormous" :) (Huge+Enormous)