Saturday, December 28, 2013

Month #3

Mia is such a sweet, happy baby. I can't get over how lucky I am to be her mommy. She still sleeps through the night, and Chris and I race to be the first one to get her out of her crib from her naps, just so we can be the one to get one of those precious smiles.  
Big smiles

Mia totally adores Chris.  She even prefers his singing over mine.  A couple weeks ago, Mia was a little sad, so Chris was singing to her and she was totally mesmerized by his voice.  After a while, Chris left the room, and Mia started crying again.  I tried to pick up where Chris had left off in singing to her, but she kept fussing.  Chris came back in and started singing to her again, and she immediately stopped crying again.  So Mia has spoken…Chris is the better singer :).  Sometimes, just hearing Chris' voice helps Mia calm down.  She is one big daddy's girl.

Video games with daddy
Jazz game with daddy

…pretty much just anything with daddy makes this girl happy.

Mia doesn't look too sure about these pictures with mommy...:)

Where her hands always go
Sweet cheeks

Perfectly precious

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas

We spent Christmas Eve with our Bitter Family.  Getting everyone together is quite the production these days, but it never fails to be well worth it.  I love my family so much. 

The two most lovable people in the world

Best. Life. Ever.

Bruce was the first out of three missionary calls Chris and I had this year.  I love this boy so much.  I have no doubt that this kid is in my life to exemplify to me a life of unshakable faith and a strong desire to serve. I love him and miss him like crazy.  He is an amazing missionary.  Panama is seriously so lucky to have him.

Mia's first time seeing Bruce.
She just stared at him :)
 Our sweet little Cambie called next.  I can't say enough about this girl.  Cambria is such an example of selflessness and charity to me.  She truly loves people with the most Christ-like love.  I don't know how I got lucky enough to have her as my sweet sister. 

We spent Christmas day with our little Brower Family. AJ called early Christmas morning. I'm so impressed with how happy this boy is.  I love how he exemplifies to me that serving whole heartedly will make you the happiest you could ever hope to be.  He is so committed to his cause and has such righteous desires.  We love this little brother of ours.

Meeting baby Mia for the first time.
Mia with her sweet Grandma Kim.

Our favorite Christmas present

It never ceases to amaze me how I feel so blessed and that my life can't possibly get any better, and then it does.  I have no doubt in my mind that our Heavenly Father's hand is in our lives.  We have been blessed beyond compare.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Oh Christmas Tree...

 Underneath the Christmas tree is Mia's favorite place to hang out.

Apparently, she also likes to hang out in the tree.  Chris asked me, "Do you think our tree will hold her?"  Chris is holding her behind the tree…:)


Mia loves studying with her daddy :) 
This lasted for hours..

I'm finding it really hard to focus on studying with this precious little distraction around!

So relieved to have Chris' first college semester, and my first nursing semester behind us!

Baby hands

Mia has a completely adorable habit of holding her little hands together.  

What could be more precious?

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Mia's Baby Blessing

Mia's blessing was such a beautiful experience. So grateful for our beautiful family.