Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Month #4

We adore this little 4 month old of ours.  She is such a little angel.  Mia sleeps like a champ, about 9-12 hours a night.  She is growing so big SO fast!  She loves to giggle, smile, and scream.  She is figuring out how to work those little hands, and now loves to play with toys and grab things.  She learned to roll from tummy to back this month.  She is getting better at sitting up, but still needs support.  At her 4 month check-up she weighed 13 lbs 14 oz (50%) and was 25.7 inches tall (90%).  We love our little munchkin!

I don't know of any other baby who does this with their little hands..but I think it's adorable!

Holding her own bottle :)

Loves playing with daddy

Mia has an adorable little baby mohawk.  It's about the only hair she has on her pretty little bald head.  So cute...

Not one bit sleepy…:)

That little face just melts my heart!  I'm so lucky to be this perfect little angel's mommy.  We love having Mia in our lives!

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