Monday, June 30, 2014

2 Year Anniversary

I had clinicals all day on our anniversary, but when I got home, Chris had the sweetest surprise for me.  He met me in the driveway as I was pulling in from my long day.  He had me close my eyes and led me back to our room.  He told me to take a quick shower and come out when I was ready.  When I came out, Chris was dressed in the suit he wore for our wedding, and had a candlelight dinner set up for us :) He had even cooked the same meal that he had cooked for me on our first date!  As if that weren't enough, Chris even got me a new iPad and a swimsuit!  While we were eating, pictures from our two years together were playing on the TV for us to see.  This sweet boy brought me to tears!  I love Chris so much, and fall deeper in love with him every day.  Being married to Chris is the best!  I can't imagine how my life could be any better.

On a side note, about a week ago Chris and I were over at my parents' house when Chris asked me if I could still fit into my wedding dress.  We decided to find out.  Surprisingly…:)

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Month #9

Mia got her first two teeth and started crawling this month!  She is a speedy little crawler and chases us around everywhere :) she can pull herself up to kneel or stand while holding onto furniture. 

18 lbs 6oz  (50%)
28.3 in (75%)

 First Ponytail

 Second owie :(

Daddy's attempt to protect Mia from cutting herself on the wall vent again didn't last long… 

Two little teeth!

Mia loves baths.  The other day she crawled into the bathroom and started hitting the bathtub because she wanted me to come in and put her in the bath.  Love this little water baby of ours!

Monday, June 16, 2014

Father's Day

One of the best moments of my life was watching this boy become a dad 8 months ago.  I don't know how anyone's heart is safe with these two on the loose, because they steal mine every single day!  Happy first Father's Day to my favorite daddy!

Chris' presents