Monday, June 30, 2014

2 Year Anniversary

I had clinicals all day on our anniversary, but when I got home, Chris had the sweetest surprise for me.  He met me in the driveway as I was pulling in from my long day.  He had me close my eyes and led me back to our room.  He told me to take a quick shower and come out when I was ready.  When I came out, Chris was dressed in the suit he wore for our wedding, and had a candlelight dinner set up for us :) He had even cooked the same meal that he had cooked for me on our first date!  As if that weren't enough, Chris even got me a new iPad and a swimsuit!  While we were eating, pictures from our two years together were playing on the TV for us to see.  This sweet boy brought me to tears!  I love Chris so much, and fall deeper in love with him every day.  Being married to Chris is the best!  I can't imagine how my life could be any better.

On a side note, about a week ago Chris and I were over at my parents' house when Chris asked me if I could still fit into my wedding dress.  We decided to find out.  Surprisingly…:)

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! This brought me to tears! So sweet! You guys are the cutest! Who woulda know Chris was such a Romeo haha. Nice job on this blog Brooklyn! I'm so impressed! Mia is SO SO SO adorbs! I need to squish her cute little cheeks some more! LOVE YOU GUYS! xxo
