Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Cambria is Home!

Our sweet little Cambie finally came home from her mission a day later than expected.  This moment was absolutely worth the wait!  We couldn't love her more!

So hard to wait… 

Cambria meeting Mia for the first time

Almost one complete set of Bitter Children…very rare…:)

After just one night of sleeping in her own bed, the whole Bitter Family  was off to a week long vacation in Colorado.

The Alpine Slide was a blast!

Sleepy little Mia…:)

We went on a gorgeous hike up to an amazing waterfall

The sign that Chris completely ignored…

Chris risking his life. He'll never learn… 

The boys went fly fishing and saw a bear!  You can barely see it in these pictures…

 Mia loving this little tent

Typical Mia after Cambria's homecoming.

A few days after being home from our vacation, a few of us were able to attend the Ogden Temple open house.  Sadly, Chris couldn't be there because he was at young mens, but it was such a sweet thing for me to experience with little Mia.  It brought me to tears to watch my little sweetie looking around so reverently in such a sacred place.   

1 comment:

  1. Colorado was so much fun! I have a million pictures to share. Hoping to get around to it soon! Beautiful pictures from the temple! Love you guys!
