Sunday, March 1, 2015

A few years ago Chris got sent home from his mission for surgery on his shoulder related to a high school basketball injury.  After a few months of being home for physical therapy and recovering from the surgery, his shoulder got cleared and he was ready to go back to England. He decided to celebrate by playing some basketball the night his shoulder got cleared. During the basketball game, he ended up injuring his right thumb pretty bad. The ligament in his thumb had been torn off his bone. He had surgery on the thumb to reattach his ligament, and only a few days later was back on a plane to England. Unfortunately his thumb was never given an opportunity to heal properly while he was trying to finish his mission. His casted hand went from swelling, to turning purple, to developing a nasty rash. Health care regulations in England kept him from being seen by a doctor there.  This, along with other medical concerns, led to the medical release that cut his mission short. 

Chris' thumb never fully recovered. This January, while playing basketball (surprise!), he knicked his thumb just right again. The ligament broke, again

Chris was stuck wearing this brace for a few weeks before he was able to get in for surgery.

This time, instead of surgically reattaching Chris' ligament, a cadaver ligament was used to fix the problem, and Chris' broken ligament was removed. This is supposed to be a much stronger and long lasting option. Let's hope so because although Chris is supposedly "sworn off basketball"…it's Chris. I think we've had enough injuries and surgeries to last us a lifetime.

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