Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mother's Day

Just a few days before Mother's day this year I had just worked a night shift and Mia was ready for an early start that day. I went and got her and fed her some breakfast and then brought her in bed with me to snuggle and watch a movie. We both must have fallen asleep and I woke up at the end of the movie to this little angel still snuggled in my arms and sleeping soundly next to me. My heart could barely stand the sweetness! I love Mia so much and am the luckiest that I get to be her mom. Thank you so much for making me a mommy Mia! You have made so many of my most cherished dreams come true and I don't know how we got so lucky to have you join our family. 

On Mother's day, Chris was up to his usual sweet ways and made me my favorite breakfast; crepes with berries and cream. I don't know where this boy came from, but one thing is for sure. He is way too good for me. I definitely have used up all the luck I deserve for my whole lifetime to have landed my sweet Chris and my perfect little Mia. Happy Mother's day to my two favorites!

Bruce's call this year was so sweet! We're so excited that the next time we see this heartbreaker face will be in person!!! I can't even hold in my excitement! It was so fun to be able to tell the whole family all together that Chris and I are expecting another baby on Dec 3! Life just keeps getting better and better :)

Mia also graduated to a front facing big kid car seat! She wore herself out with all the excitement :) Just in time for baby to take her old one. We love you sweet Mia!

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