Tuesday, June 30, 2015

3 Year Anniversary

For our 3rd Anniversary, Chris and I did something huge, and took a trip without Mia for the first time ever! It was super sad for me to be without our precious baby for so long, but at the same time so much fun to have so much one on one time with Chris. We spent a week in St. George together, and it was one of my favorite trips ever! We spent one day in Zions Canyon and hiked The Narrows, and it was completely breathtaking and unforgettable. 

My Favorite

Another day we drove to Toquerville Falls, and had a little picnic. It was the most beautiful waterfall and it was so fun to explore it with my favorite person ever. 

Every day I am amazed at how lucky I am to have Chris in my life. I'm so in love with this boy, and being with him is my absolute favorite. Happy Anniversary Chris!

And I think we missed Mia more than she missed us… ;)She was pretty content hanging out at Grandma's

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Father's Day

I don't know how there could be anything more precious than witnessing sweet little father daughter moments between Chris and Mia. My heart can hardly handle how perfect they are! I don't think Mia realizes how lucky she is. But I sure do… Happy Father's day to the best dad ever! 

Monday, June 1, 2015

Mia: 18 months

Little Mia has become a wild and curious toddler! She loves to play outside, run wild, play with blocks, do puzzles, make animal noises, go for rides, lead the way, and dance and sing along any time she hears music. My heart can barely handle the way she says "please" and "thank you", and her little hugs and kisses are to die for. It's unbelievable how wrapped around her little finger she has us. Almost always when Chris is trying to put her in time out or get after her for doing something naughty he will go to pick her up and she will grab his face and give him a big kiss! She knows how to get out of trouble, thats for sure… Her vocabulary has exploded and we love to watch her learn so much everyday. At her 18 month appointment her pediatrician asked me how many words Mia knows, and I guessed at least 30. He was really surprised and told me that he would only expect a child her age to know about 10. After we left I starting counting them up, and I counted over 80 words!!! We have a little smartie on our hands! We can't get enough of our big baby girl.

Mia's always up for some blanket forts :) mommy and daddy are always required to come in too.

Love this baby girl's face, however squished it is :)