Sunday, November 22, 2015

Rhett's Birth

On Saturday the 21st I was having some pretty serious and consistent contractions throughout the day while Chris and I were packing up all of our things and getting ready to move into our new home that had just been finished. By about 2:00 in the morning on Sunday the 22nd, my contractions had been 2 minutes apart for a few hours so I decided to get up and get a bag packed and head to the hospital. After getting up, the contractions slowed so we ended up staying home a while longer, but the contractions kept coming. I labored at home all day until about 6:00 pm when I felt like we really needed to go to the hospital. Mia stayed at Grandma Kim's, and Chris and I got to the hospital around 7:00 pm. When the nurse checked me I was dilated to a 6 and 100% effaced. It was a relief to be admitted to the hospital and know that our little guy would be here soon! We were taken to a delivery room and everything was set up. By 8:00 pm I was dilated to an 8 and I got an epidural. At 10:30 I was dilated to a 10 but my water still hadn't broken so the nurse called the doctor. At about 11:00 the doctor came in and broke my water and I started pushing. At 11:16 pm 11/22/15 Rhett Christopher Brower was born! Seeing, hearing, and holding our new baby for the first time is the most heavenly thing I think I could possibly ever experience.

Rhett Christopher Brower
19.5 inches 
7.0 lbs

My mom brought Mia to the hospital the next morning to meet her little brother. Seeing my little munchkins together just melts my heart!

Mia could barely contain her love. I can relate sweetie! :)

After Mia left Chris and I were able to close on our new home at the hospital. We made plans to move in the next day after I was discharged and the keys would be given to us. Even though everything was completely crazy I couldn't stop thinking about how lucky we were to have our perfect little family with all 4 of us together for the holidays in our new home. We could not be more blessed!

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