Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Rhett's 1st Birthday!

This little boy makes us so happy it is unreal! He is now walking and running like a little champ. He loves to say "Ya!" and nod his head when you ask him questions and he also says "mmmm" when he is eating something he likes. He also says "MO" when he wants more of something. He figured out how to take off his own diaper, which resulted in an unfortunate poop incident… But I forgave him like two seconds later :) how could you not with that sweet little face?? He is still his reckless little climbing self and is always climbing up on chairs and tables and pushing his toys up against furniture so he can climb up on them. One of my favorite things is when he is going to bed he will start shaking his head back and forth and kind of moaning almost immediately after I lay him down. He does this to put himself to sleep. It's so so cute! He has also started doing a little head bob dance when he hears music. He gives the sweetest open mouth kisses ("tss") and he has started to come over and lay his little body on me with his head on my chest when I am laying down. He literally has us wrapped around his little birth marked finger :)

He loves to pull up his shirt and show us his tummy. It's so crazy seeing my little, not even one year old up on a table that he climbed up all by himself!

Rhett loves to talk to his daddy on the phone. Almost every time he sees me with my phone he will put his hand to his ear like he is talking on the phone and start yelling "Da!" 

It's so wild to see how big he looks in my arms now…

 The diaper ditching continues…He seriously loves to be naked and runs for dear life every time I try to get him dressed! 

We got Rhett this awesome bouncy house basketball hoop for his birthday and both Mia and Rhett loved it!

He thought it was so funny to topple his little body out of this opening, climb back in, and do it again and again.

I find him sleeping in this position a lot, and I die over it! 

Sweet little bum in the air and legs wrapped up tight :)

He was so tentative about his cake. He didn't dig in or get very messy at all. He always thinks he needs to be eating with a spoon or a fork these days so he used his little spoon the whole time and just kept saying "mmmm, mmmm, mmmm" over and over.

Sadly his little bouncy house came with a hole so we returned it and got him a tool bench which was too darling to see him get excited over with his daddy.

Rhett does this all the time! He will even push his little head across the floor like this. He thinks it completely hilarious! 

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