Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Disneyland Round #3

We took another last minute trip to Disneyland after Kim and Kayla convinced us to come since they would be there for Kayla's cheer competition over the weekend. We left Rhett home this time. It was the saddest being without him, but we know he was so much happier being at home and getting lots of good sleep than he would've been at Disneyland. 

The electrical parade is about to go away for good, so it was fun getting to see it a couple of times before they retire it.

FaceTime with our sweet baby boy. We missed Rhett so much!!!

We loved getting pictures of him hanging out at Grandma Bitter's

Cheered Kayla on at her National Cheer Competition

Mia and I right before seeing the new live action Beauty and the Beast movie.

Splash Mountain

I asked Mia "What do you want to say to Mickey and Minnie? Are you going to tell them that you love them?" She answered, "Ummm…I'm going to tell them that I love my Mommy and Daddy!" Cue heart melting…:)

Met a tractor and Mator

 Breakfast with the Princesses

Mia's smiling game was not at it's strongest…:)

Disney Junior Live Onstage

Right before World of Color

Mia was the cutest and funniest on this trip. She loves Disneyland so much! We missed Rhett so much, but it was fun to be able to stay extra late and go to tons of shows that just aren't fun for our sweet little guy. We jam packed our days, and one day when our season tickets were blacked out so we were hanging out at the hotel room all day, we all fell asleep and took a really long nap. After we all woke up we asked Mia how she slept and she said "I wasn't sleeping. I was just looking at my animals." :) oh dear… One day while we were waiting in a line, Mia suddenly said she needed to go potty. I said "Ok sweetie hold it!" Mia told me she didn't know now. I did my best to try to explain to her how to hold it and after I gave her my best demonstration she said "That's how you go poop mom!" 

Thursday, March 16, 2017

These kids think snap chat filters are so funny :)

"Climb aboard!"

Rhett was playing in a room and must have slipped and pushed the door closed on his finger in it on the hinge side :( I heard him scream and cry and ran in there. Once I opened it, the whole tip of his finger was smooshed and red, and his fingernail was hanging off by a little skin tag. I immediately started crying. It was the worst thing to see his poor little hand like that. The first picture is a couple of days after it happened and the second picture is a few days after that.

One of Rhett's favorite things to do is watch Disney song clips on our computer and dance along. It is so adorable. He will walk up to this desk and bang and call me until I come and turn it on for him.

I wonder if this is ever going to stop looking crazy to me…

Rhett meeting Charise's sweet new baby, Silas. All of the sudden my baby looks enormous!!!

Messy faced little raspberry eater

Luke, Lyla, and Mia. Three little best friends/cousins.


Mia had been coughing with a little cold and her voice was starting to get hoarse. One morning she told me "My mouth is starting to sound like a boy."

"Rhett's your baby boy and I am your baby girl. And you love daddy cause he's so handsome." :)

"You give daddy a kiss mommy. He will love that."

"Awww you're so cute Rhett! He's such a cute baby! I gotta tell daddy Rhett a cute baby!"

Lately Mia has started to use some very mature phrasing like;
"It doesn't hurt after all."
"I'll feel better in no time."
"This is a picture of me as a baby."