Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Mia took this picture while I was sleeping after a night shift and Chris was getting ready for work in the other room. She also took a video of herself teaching Rhett to say "bum". I laughed so hard when I found it later! :)

I'm starting to feel like 'love' isn't a strong enough word to describe how I feel about these two.

 "Start your engines! Vrrooommm vrroomm vrroooom!"

Seriously I have so much to say about Chris. He is everything to me! He has made all of my hearts dearest and most desperate dreams come true. I have found the love of my life, and he has given me the two most beautiful children I could ever dream of. I can't think of anything more attractive than Chris as a dad. Seriously, nothing gets to me more than seeing Chris with our kids. I seriously loose my mind just looking at these precious moments of him with our kids together. I am honestly the luckiest ever!

This kid is unstoppable!

Family snugs with a tired daddy. Rhett loves to climb in and snuggle under the covers in our bed, and once he does, everybody has to join him! :)

Made playdough at Grandma Bitter's house with Luke. So so fun!

Rhett is so sweet lately! (Always really, but the stage he's in is so so fun!) He will give the most precious kisses and hugs ever! He is pretty obsessed with Chris these days (but who isn't around here?) and he always wants to hang out with Chris and wear his hats and rough house. If we need to get after Rhett for some reason and we tell him no with a stern face and voice and maybe a pointed finger, Rhett will completely loose it with tears and heartbreak. It's sad, but kind of cute that he is so affected by realizing that he did something wrong. He can kind of say (his words still aren't very clear) and point to his head, nose, eyes, ears, mouth, teeth, tongue, fingers, hands, belly, bum (thanks to Mia :)), knees, feet, and toes. He says "ball" and loves to get out his basketball hoop or play any game involving balls. He will say "jump" and does a really adorable little jump where he'll crouch down really dramatically, getting ready to jump, and then shoot his body up straight, while his feet never actually leave the floor :). He loves to play ring around the rosie and yells "DOWN!" when it's time to fall down. He folds his arms and yells 
"amen!" after we say prayers. It sounds like he tries to say Mia "Me!" He calls Dylan "D" just like Mia. He loves both of his grandpas and calls them "pa" or "ba ba". He also yells "side" all the time and bangs on the door to try to get outside. He does not take it well if we can't play outside…:) He says "show" and sits down on the couch or snuggles up under the covers in our bed when he wants to watch a show. "Cookie" is a very important work in his vocabulary :). He says "hi, bye, more(for his sippy, binky, or anything he wants really), some, dog, shut, off, daddy, and mommy very clearly. He's just a dream come true! We're totally obsessed with our little dude.

"My eyes are droopy." (when she was tired one day)

"My belly hurts cause it wants bacon."

When she saw a picture of a cute chubby baby she said, "That baby's cheeks are so cute and chubby. Just like Lewis!"

Mia is such a great big sister. She is always looking out for Rhett.

Sunday, April 16, 2017


This was one of my favorite holidays yet! Mia is at such a fun age where she loves holidays more than ever! She kept saying "This is the best Easter ever!" Last night, we just so happened to read in our little simplified family scripture study about the resurrection. We explained to Mia about the meaning of Easter and why we celebrate it. I was so touched when after Mia was done with gathering her Easter eggs I asked if she remembered why we celebrate  Easter. She answered "because of Jesus." When I asked her what Jesus did she answered, "Saved us all." She later added that "He died and came back to life." Tears filled my eyes as I was touched by the simple truth of her words and her sweet little understanding. I am so grateful for my baby girl and her way of teaching me, just when I start to think that I am the one teaching her. The spirit so often testifies to me through her sweet, pure little words. I love you Mia! 

This boy has our whole hearts!