Saturday, July 22, 2017

Rhett LOVES to ride the tractor with grandpa

Mia got a cute little haircut

 We were cutting up a watermelon and this huge piece was set aside while I was working on another one. I couldn't stop laughing when I looked over to see Mia helping herself :)

Showing the kids this huge bear in a neighbor's backyard.

Rhett is such a monkey it cracks us up! He loves to hang and swing on things and his little finger strength blows my mind. 

I LOVE the way Rhett's little button nose is always a little darker right on the tip where the sun hits it the most. I could just kiss that little nose all day.

Sun-kissed Mia

Rhett's first tube ride with Mia and Mommy

Snapchat filters are dumb, but we love them :)

Sweetest snuggle buddy

Double stuffed little Mia and Rhett burrito :)

Townley family reunion with the most amazing slip and slide :)

Took a last minute road trip through St. George to Las Vegas with Cambria and Ron. Traveling with these two little hoodlums of ours is no joke, but we love being with our family. 

These kids look like their daddy :) :) :)

Mia and Rhett are always playing on the lawnmower

 FaceTime with daddy while he's at work

Rhett's feet poking through the slats :)

Mia could spend all day in the pool


I love the way Rhett will pick a book to read and then back up until he falls into my lap to read it. The other day at church Rhett was yelling and Chris whispered that he needed to be quiet at church. Rhett took out his binky and yelled "Why?", and he hasn't stopped asking us why for everything since. A few week ago after church Rhett ran into the cultural hall while I was gathering our bags and talking to someone and Chris went in get him. Rhett was running away from Chris and started coming back out toward me so Chris starting calling to me to "get him! get him!" (I didn't hear or see any of this). Rhett thought Chris was talking to him so he ran over and whacked the next guy to walk by right between the legs. I was dying and we all laughed so hard. Rhett has seemed so big lately. He seems to comprehend almost everything we say and tell him, even though he doesn't have the hugest vocabulary. It's so wild to realize how smart he is by the way he responds to what we say.


"I love you so much mommy! You're such a good mom and you always say good things. And sometimes you tell us not to do bad things."

After we drove past our old house one day: "We have to go back to our old house and say can we have a turn after you guys? We have to take turns dad!"

"We're not supposed to move. We're supposed to stay there all along. I miss our old house. I love it!"

"I got a plan! Nailed it!" I love how she's started saying 'nailed it!'

Mia saw a line of birds flying by and said "The kids are following their mom! They love her! Like you! I love you mom!"

To Rhett "You're the rest of my life bud. I love you so much! I'm gonna die!" She's just the sweetest!

One night while we were tucking Mia in Chris laid on her bed and was teasing her that he wanted to sleep there. When Mia said her prayers after that she said "Please bless daddy to sleep in his own bed and give me some space."

"Plitty please dad? You're the best, you always to that for me. Will you please do it today??" She's a little charmer.

Mia went upstairs to eat breakfast one morning and sat down at the counter and said very seriously, "And now the fun begins."

Mia and I were looking at each others eyes and I told her that her eyes were green and brown. When I asked her what color mine were she said "Brown and white. Daddy loves those colors." :)

Mia was playing with a little doll shoe and ended up putting it up her nose. When I looked over I just saw her face with a look of panic as she kept digging her finger in her nose. I knew she must've stuck something in there and was trying to get it out, so I ran over and plugged her other nostril and told her to blow. The doll she came out after a few tries and immediately after Mia said "Why did I did that?!?!" I couldn't help but burst out laughing :)

Grandpa Smith asked Mia "What are you, a princess?" Mia answered "No, I'm a child of God."

One day we were talking about Jesus and I told Mia "Jesus lives in Heaven. Heaven is way up high where we can't see it." Mia answered "But we can feel Him." This girl is so profound sometimes. I am in awe at her sweet little spirit.

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