Saturday, April 7, 2018

Sweet little baby girl

 Mia is always so sweet with her little cousins

This little boy has been the cutest cheeser lately. He keeps telling me to take his picture and giving me the cheesiest, biggest smiles. I love him so much!

Chris' Grandma and Grandpa Smith's anniversary celebration.

In the past week, we bumped Mia into a booster car seat, and Rhett into Mia's front facing car seat. He looks SO big sitting in it. Then just a few days ago he starting sleeping in a big boy bed and we moved the crib into the baby's room. It has been so CRAZY seeing how big Rhett looks in this bed, I've taken pictures every time he's slept in it, for naps and at night time because it just blows my mind that this is happening. He has been so perfect with the transition, and stays in the bed perfectly for every nap and bedtime! I can't believe how big he is!

His first time sleeping in the bed for nap time

Nap time the next day

Nap time today. I'm obsessed!

I didn't realize Mia had been taking these pictures of all of us just hanging out on my bed. I'm so pregnant right now that I'm most comfortable laying down on my side, so we were all hanging out in my room when Chris got home from work and Mia captured some pretty sweet little moments that I loved finding later.

Rhett came over to snuggle me

When Chris gets home from work…

I'm feeling more and more ready for the baby to come. We have her carseat and her new diaper bag packed with all her stuff right by the garage door. I've gotten out all of Mia's old clothes for the first 9 months, and they're all washed and unpacked in her closet. Her room is all ready for her to come home too. And most of all her sweet big sister is ready to be the best big sister (as always) and love all over her. She always wants to help whenever I have been going through/organizing things for the baby, and every day she goes in the baby room and stares at the clothes and shows me all the things that she thinks are so cute and the baby will love! We can't wait!


We usually go visit my mom once a week with my sisters who live close (usually Aubrey and Charise) and let all the kids play together at Grandma's. Recently when we were there I was talking with my mom and sisters and Rhett came up and asked me to put on 'How To Train Your Dragon' for him. I told him I'd do it in just a minute and kept talking. He waited a second and asked again and I told him the same thing. He finally got very stern, sat on my lap, put his little hands on my cheeks and said in his deepest most gravely voice, "WANT DRAGONS. WANT NOW!!!" 

We call Rhett "Rhett boy" pretty often, and the other day Rhett said "Oh dad boy".

"Wrecky Rhett dot hurt. Rhett tough. Like Wrecky Ralph."

"Mommy you fix it Jr. Rhett Wrecky Ralph."

We've struggled a little bit with getting Rhett to stay in his crib the past little while. Before bed, Chris will often give Rhett a 'little talk' about staying in his crib, and we heard Rhett saying it to himself over the monitor after putting him to bed one night. He said "No det out bed or daddy spank bum. Dot it? Dot it? Tay. Dot it? Tay!" He's just the cutest!

We went to a store and Rhett whispered in my ear, "Mom, let's det out of here."

We started having to lock Rhett in his bedroom to make bedtime and nap time more smooth. It worked wonders at home, but on a vacation we had him sleeping in a room with no lock, so I was sitting outside the door to keep him in until he fell asleep. Rhett got out of bed and came and tried the door. When he couldn't get out because I was blocking the door I heard him say, "Oh my het (heck), Oh my het!. Mom yock door!"

"I love you Brooklyn." 

"Ov you dad, want you dad. Ov oo much!"

Rhett "Mom, yuv dad too much.
Me "You love dad too much?"
Rhett "Ya, sink so."

One night Chris had put Rhett to bed, and Rhett had gotten out of bed and they were talking over the monitor. Chris was trying to get Rhett to get back in bed, and Rhett said, "You do to bed dad. You tired!"

On the phone with Chris, distraught that Chris had left for work, "Dad want you. Dad want hug you. Dad want tiss you too much. Dad love you too much!"

Chris "Rhett are you going to go potty on the toilet?"
Rhett "No. Too hard. Rhett fall."

After I told Rhett and Mia they were doing really good with something Rhett said, "Mommy doing really good."


Rhett and Mia were jumping around on the couch when I was in the kitchen, and all the sudden Rhett disappeared and fell the the ground. Mia and I both gasped and Rhett just popped up and said "Rhett ok." Mia said, "I was really worried you got a bad owie Rhett. That would be horrible!"

"OOOH! I LOVE the way you look mom!"

Mia asked me what a word meant, and after I explained it to her she said, "Hmmm, that sounds odd. I don't know what odd means, but that's OK."

"Dad, I really love you and like what you look like and what you voice sounds like REALLY badly!"

Rhett kept saying "Want milk! Want milk!" one day, and Mia came up to me and said, "We will teach that boy to be grateful."

"Awe shucks mom, I love you so much!!"

"Ooohhh. What a long week it was a long time ago when we got me this carseat." Oh the life of a 4 year old…:)

Mia has been obsessed with eating plain slices of bread lately. I try to get her to eat other stuff, but the other day I had let her have one and she said "Mmmm! What a treat!"

Mia had gotten in trouble for something during the day, and when I was putting her to bed she asked me, "Mom, do you still love me when I make bad choices?" I told her that of course I do. I tried teaching her that the reason we try to help her make good choices is because we love her so much and we want her to be happy. I usually sing her a song before bed, and when I asked her what song she wanted, she said 'I'm trying to be like Jesus'. I was singing it to her and when I sang the line "at times I am tempted to make a wrong choice" Mia said, "Sometimes I'm tempted to make a wrong choice." We talked about how everyone feels that way, and sometimes it's hard, but we are all trying really hard to make good choices even when we feel that way. I told her she was doing a really good job and if she just keeps trying that will make Jesus really happy. It seemed to wild to talk about such big things with my little baby girl

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