Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Reese's 1st month

Just a few days old.

I seriously L O V E these pictures that Mia took of Reese so much!

1 1/2 weeks old

Reese's first bath

Mia constantly holds Reese's hands. Especially if Reese is upset like during a diaper change or a bath or in the car. It's the sweetest!

One of my favorite sights in the world.

Reese's first nap in her crib. It was her 3 weeks from birth date and she ended up in her crib for a nap because the whole family was in my bed with Chris who wasn't feeling well. She looked so cute!

LOVE this tiny sleepy girl so much! Her lips!!!

 Starting to look to mature and awake at the end of the month…

Reese is such a little piece of heaven in our home. We love her so so very much! At one day old she was so strong and already lifting her head off of my chest and turning it the other way. When she was one week old she smiled at me with her eyes open for the first time. She sleeps in our bed with us and usually sleeps for 4-6 hour stretches at night and eats every 2-3 hours during the day. On the day she turned one month old she rolled from her tummy to her back. Rhett and Mia adore her, and we are all so very grateful that she is ours.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Mia's picture :)

 Lately Mia ALWAYS plays with this strand of hair. It's pretty constant. She LOVES to wear her hair down. It takes a lot of convincing for me to get her to let me do anything with it. I love this beautiful girl and I love that she feels beautiful :)

Reese's first time going to church :)


"You so beautiful mom!"

After I told him he was so cute, "My not cute. YOU cute!" And then he kiss attacked :)


The tongue on her shoe got ripped out and one day I decided to sew it back in. After I was done, I showed her and she said, "You fixed it! I could even hug you when you fixed it! I love you! Thank you mom! Moms are the best!"

To Rhett after she bonked her head on something, "That teached me a valuable lesson."