Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Mia's picture :)

 Lately Mia ALWAYS plays with this strand of hair. It's pretty constant. She LOVES to wear her hair down. It takes a lot of convincing for me to get her to let me do anything with it. I love this beautiful girl and I love that she feels beautiful :)

Reese's first time going to church :)


"You so beautiful mom!"

After I told him he was so cute, "My not cute. YOU cute!" And then he kiss attacked :)


The tongue on her shoe got ripped out and one day I decided to sew it back in. After I was done, I showed her and she said, "You fixed it! I could even hug you when you fixed it! I love you! Thank you mom! Moms are the best!"

To Rhett after she bonked her head on something, "That teached me a valuable lesson." 

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