Wednesday, August 22, 2018


"Mmmm… ove you mom. You so pitty!"

"You dood boy mom. You dood boy."

"You so toot mom. You so handsome."

Sometimes lately when Rhett's in trouble I will tell him I'm not very happy with him. He will get really upset and say "NOO mom! You happy at me now? You happy at me???" I can't resist, and always tell him yes, I am happy with him.

Rhett- "I love you eyes. I love you hair."
Me- "Thank you so much bud. You're so sweet to me."
Rhett- "Ya my happy at you."

To Chris as he was leaving for work- "Don't get hurt and don't get bad guy!"
Mia- "Ya we cared about you!"
Rhett- "Ya get ad buys with my car."

A few weeks ago I noticed Rhett's right front tooth was starting to look a little gray tinged. We asked an orthodontist and dentist who are in our ward about it and they said that he must have knocked it on something and it died. They said it's more common than you think, and they as long as we watch his gums above the tooth a make sure it doesn't look swollen or infected or white spotted, it should be fine until it falls out and his permanent tooth comes in. Pretty crazy, especially since I have no memory of Rhett hitting his mouth hard on anything recently. Just another day in the life of my tough, wild little boy.


"Mom thanks for doing all the stuff for us every weekend. It's so nice to have parents because they give you ALL the stuff. If you don't have parents, then you have nothing."

"I love you. Thank you for everything you do for me. I love you because you do everything for me."

Kayla was tumbling in her backyard and Mia was running around after her doing 'tricks'. Grandpa said, "Hey Mia do a triple flip." Mia said "I can't to that. I can only to a fliple trip!"

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