Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Month #6

 Reese is more consistently rolling back and forth now. I always put her to sleep on her back and pretty often find her sleeping on her stomach in her crib in a totally different spot than where I laid her down. She started eating solids this month, and did NOT like it very much for the first few days of trying bananas, apples, and pears. It wasn't until she tried green beans that she was suddenly sold on eating solids :). She is close to being able to sit on her own, but still needs some support. She is so smiley and laughs so much. She has the sweetest, hoarse little voice. Her sleeping habits have never really recovered from when we took her to Mexico, so she wakes up 2-3 times a night still. She also started sucking her thumb while we were in Mexico and it is just the most darling little thing! She loves her toys and her stand up bouncer. 

Weight 16 lbs 12 oz (56th %)
Height 2 feet 2.5 inches (64th %) 
Head circumference (32nd %) 
















My little thumb sucker

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