Friday, November 9, 2018

Month #7

Reese is now sitting up on her own like a champ, rolling around the house, and occasionally getting up on all fours for a second or two. She LOVES sticking her little arms and legs out through the crib slats. I've never had a baby get stuck more often, and it makes me nervous when I look at her monitor and see her limbs sticking out of the crib. I usually try to sneak in and put her little baby arms and legs back in the crib, but she always sticks them back out, she loves it so much :) She said her first word (Mama)! Then a few weeks later said "dada" and only said that for a few days. Now she says them both all the time. Her sleep is settling back in and she is sleeping really well at nights and usually takes 2 naps a day now. She loves to eat little baby finger foods and is not as big of an eater with being spoon fed baby food as my other babies were. She's completely, perfectly precious.

 Mia took these cute pictures of Reese crunching up to see while she's laying on her back (which she is famous for doing)

Mia loves to feed Reese and it's just so adorable!

I LOVE how forest green her eyes look in these pictures! They remind me a ton a Chris' eyes, and I hope they stay like this!

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