Tuesday, January 15, 2019

 Mia was dying with excitement watching her cool project Grandma Donnie gave her for Christmas.

That profile <3

So much love

I know I have about 5 billion pictures of them... but I just. can't. stop!

 Mia literally melts my heart with how cute she is. She was so excited that we tried something new on her hair :)


The kids LOVED ice skating for the first time in our neighbors' awesome backyard.


Me: "I love you handsome boy."
Rhett: "I love you pretty girl."

Rhett: "I love you mom."
Me: "I love you too buddy."
Rhett: "We love ourselveses."

Rhett- Messing around while I'm trying to get him dressed and we're in a big hurry.
Me: "Rhett stop it. It's not funny, I'm mad."
Rhett- Heartbreak and crying
Me: "Rhett it's ok buddy."
Rhett: (Through tears) "You happy at me?"
Me: "Yes bud."
Rhett: "You yuv me so so much?"
Me: "Yes, I love you so so much!"
Rhett: "I love you so SO much!!!"

One night after Rhett got out of bed for the 5th time I got after him and put him back in bed quickly and left. I was listening at his door to see if he got up again, and heard him asking, "Stars, are you happy at me??" I felt really bad and went in and told him I loved him and gave him a hug. 
Rhett: "You happy at me?"
Me: "Yes."
Rhett: "I thought you were mean at me."
Me: "I wasn't happy when you weren't listening, but I love you buddy. Please listen and stay in your bed, ok?"
Rhett: "Ok. You proud at me mom?"
Me: "Yes buddy, I'm so so proud of you. I love you. Sleep good."
After I left the room I listened at his door for a minute again. I heard him say, "Mom and dad happy at me and proud at me cause I dood boy."


Praying after a family home evening lesson about how we get a testimony by trying to do good things and listening to the spirit, "Please bless mommy and daddy to listen to the prophet and then tell us what he says and help me and Rhett to listen really good."

Chris and the kids were waiting in the car while I ran in to Cafe Rio to pickup some dinner for us one night. On my way in, someone held the door open for me and Mia said to Chris, "OH NO dad! Someone just opened the door for mom. Now she might think he's her husband!"

Mia: "This is the squishiest, yummiest carrot I ever tasted!"
Me: "That's a fry..."
Mia: "Oh...."  
Reese went through a really rough couple of weeks where she had four teeth trying to come in at once. She was really sad, and really only ever wanted me to hold her. Usually Mia spends a huge chunk of her day holding and playing with and loving Reese, so she would beg me to hold her all the time. When I would give Reese to her, Reese would start balling because she just wanted her mommy. This would literally break Mia's heart, and she cried multiple times and said she was so sad because Reese "didn't want" her.  We're so glad that Reese's teeth are all in now and they are inseparable again. A while ago I was in the middle of something when I heard Reese wake up from her nap. I asked Mia to go in there and play with her so she wouldn't be crying while I finished up what I was doing. By the time I got to the room, Rhett was carrying out a poopy diaper to the garbage, and Mia was proudly finishing up putting on a clean diaper. I immediately thought that there would for sure be a huge mess all over. But it turns out, little 5 year old Mia had successfully changed Reese's poopy diaper all by herself, perfectly! She is just the sweetest, and such a natural little mommy. I'm so lucky to have her.