Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Month #9

Reese seems like she grew up so fast this month! She had her 2 front top and 2 front bottom teeth come in within about a week of each other. She was so sad for a week or two leading up to them popping out, I was so happy for her when they finally came in, but she just looks so much older, it kind of breaks my heart, but is SO adorable at the same time! She also started army crawling and can do it pretty quickly and easily now. She will try getting up on all fours for a second or two and rock back and forth, but hasn't been able to fully crawl yet. 

Weight 17 lbs 15 oz (46th %)
Height 2 ft 3.8 in (56th %)
Head Circumference (31st %)

Baby Reesie and baby James

We were laughing our heads off one day when Reese discovered that Daddy's beard works as a head scratcher.

She's always so beautiful

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