Sunday, March 3, 2019

Reesie burned her hand

I almost didn't post about this, because it breaks my heart so much. On sunday we were watching a movie as a family in the basement and Chris had the fireplace on. I brought Reese down after she woke up from her nap and put her on the floor to play, not realizing that the fire was on. After a while, she crawled over and touched it. It was so awful :(

This is right after it happened.

Later that night, a HUGE blister on her palm, and a little blister on ever finger. After I took this, Chris and I drained the big blister so the skin wouldn't tear off and leave the skin underneath exposed.

 This is the next day, looking so much better, but still pretty raw. I had to drain her big blister a few more times.

I tried wrapping it up a few times so it wouldn't get infected. She thought it was a big joke, and it never lasted very long before she pulled it off. She was such a sweetheart through the whole thing. So so tough!

Her hand is looking great now. It's been a week and she doesn't act like it hurts at all! The skin is still a little red, but it doesn't look raw at all and all the dead skin from her blisters is sloughing off. It's amazing how a little baby body can just bounce back so fast from something so tough.

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