Wednesday, July 3, 2019

 At our fun summer cousin party that Ryan and Lynnae threw :)

 Rhett and Levi thinking that it was the most hilarious thing ever that they dressed up like "Grrrss!" (Rhett's way of saying girls.)

Chris took Rhett to a summer league Jazz game. Rhett's first time, and he really had fun, he just wasn't having this picture.


This sweet boy has had some diarrhea issues lately. The first time it happened was pretty sweet and sad at the same time. I heard Rhett yelling from the bathroom "Help mom! I'm so sorry mom!", because he didn't know what was going on and he thought he was making a big mess (which he really wasn't). He's just so sweet though.
After Chris had asked him a bunch of times to change out of his church clothes after we'd gotten home from church, Rhett said, "This is my problem dad. Don't worry about it, it's my problem."

"Can we go to Grandpa Murphy's?" (talking about Papa Murphy's)


This year I went to Girls Camp and had to leave my whole family for the first time since I've been married to Chris. It was kind of heart-breaking, but I had fun with the girls too. While I was getting ready to leave, I was explaining to the kids what was going to happen, and then I put them to bed. After a while, Mia came out with some clothes to show me and asked, "Mom, does this match?" When I told her it did, she said, "Ok, I'm just asking because I want to be ready for tomorrow. Cause daddy doesn't know if things matches." 

When Mia was holding her baby cousin Dashel, she told me "Whenever he gets sad I will rock him. When I grow up I just want to be a mom always." 

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