Sunday, August 25, 2019

Cute little selfie Mia took

Tour of the MTC with the YW


We have the cutest little walker now!

Ever since the 4th of July when we talked to the kids about what we celebrate on that day, and why America is so special, Rhett has been so patriotic. Every time he sees a flag he yells, "Merican Flag!". And the other day when Mia was saying something about being scared of bad guys, Rhett said "There's none bad guys Mia. We live in America!"


Mia is such a sweet older sister. Recently we've had to talk to the kids multiple times about not spitting in the house. After several of these conversations over several days, Chris saw something wet on the carpet and asked the kids what it was. Mia told him that Rhett had spit something out of his mouth onto the carpet. Chris started getting after Rhett and telling him that he was going to have to wash Rhett's mouth out with soap for spitting. I was in my bedroom this whole time, and didn't know what was going on when I heard Mia screaming and crying bloody murder. She ran into my room yelling that I had to go stop daddy. I came out and talked to Chris who filled me in on what was even going on. Turns out, Chris hadn't even put soap in Rhett's mouth, but Mia was still completely distraught. After she started to calm down, she told me through tears, "I told dad that Rhett spit, but I wanted it to be me so he wouldn't get in trouble." I almost start crying every time I think about how sweet and loving and Christ-like that was. Mia is such a loving and tender sister, and we are so lucky to have her!

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