Monday, September 9, 2019

 The scariest thing happened with Reesie. I had put her down for a nap, and she was acting completely normal and didn't have any symptoms at all. When she woke up, she started screaming, which is not usually like her, so I ran in to see what was going on, and I could immediately tell that she was burning up. I carried her into my room to change her diaper, and just as I was finishing up, she started having a seizure. Her eyes rolled back, she turned white, her lips turned purple, and she was convulsing. It was so scary and Chris and I were scrambling to get our family into the car to take her to the doctor. Her seizure lasted about 2-3 minutes, and afterward she was completely unresponsive and laying limp in my arms, hyperventilating. We got to the doctor and when they checked her temp in was 103 degrees. The doctor told us she had had a febrile seizure. He told us it usually happens when kids who are between the ages of newborn to 6 have a sudden increase or decrease in temperature. It's not an indication of chronic seizures, and usually isn't anything to worry about. We were relieved that she would be ok, and towards the end of the appointment, Reese opened her eyes so that was very reassuring to see her awake. It literally broke my heart to see my tiny baby experience what she did, but we are so grateful that she is ok!

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