Saturday, November 23, 2019

Rhett always says his favorite food is turkey, so it's a good thing his birthday is right by Thanksgiving.

Rhett, Mia and Reese trying on the Nacho Libre wig that Chris wore for Halloween :D

Reesie looking like a mid-evil wealthy Frenchman :D

Free Zoo day <3

We told Rhett to go get dressed and he came out looking like this :D

Hilarious and slightly heartbreaking to compare Reese snuggling with me vs Reese snuggling with daddy. 

First snow of the year is always so fun!


So we had the dogs inside for a little while and Rhett was so on board with it! One day he came up super early and the dogs were outside. He said, "Where's my dogs?" Chris asked him, "What woke you up?" and Rhett said, "It's just that, when I was coming happened."
"Mom When I get to be a dad I'm going to get someone to have a baby by kissing them."

"Wha da heck?!?!"


Realizing the lengths Mia is willing to go to to be a princess when she says, "I just want to be like a real princess, like Rapunzel. Like you tell me I can't leave the house, and then I just sneak out." 

A few weeks ago Mia came home from school and told me she had a "babysitter teacher" and her name was Mrs. Butthead. I told her she must have misheard and I didn't think she could call her teacher that. She insisted over and over that that was the teacher's name, and I tried and tried to convince her not to call her teacher that. The next day, she went to school and when she came home she said, "You were right mom. My teacher's name was Mrs. Butler!" 

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