Monday, February 24, 2020


For Christmas this year, one of the things we gave Mia and Rhett was a trip to Disneyland. They knew we were going, but didn't know when, and they didn't know that we were going with our cousins! It was so fun to surprise them at the airport when we met our cousins there.

Our sweet boy fell asleep on Mia on our early early morning drive to the airport. When we got to the airport, Rhett saw a man walk by in a uniform and asked me who he was. I told him it was a pilot. Rhett looked and me in shock and said "A pirate?!"

We stayed at the Grand Californian Hotel. It was pretty amazing to be so close to all of the fun things, and staying in such a beautiful place.

The first day, we hung out in Downtown Disney.

Day 2 was Disneyland! We got to have a tour-guide and it was so amazing and fun!

Pinnochio broke down while we were on it so a worker came and got us all out of our carts and we walked out of the ride. Mia and Lyla snuck a quick picture on these steps that were part of the scenery in the ride.

 The new Star Wars ride was pretty cool and it made our kids pretty nervous. Part of the ride was us getting captured by the dark side. Rhett and Mia were so scared and totally thought it was real! We had been told were the rebel base was, and that we couldn't tell anyone. When we were caught by the dark side, Mia kept saying, "We've got to tell them the secret!" She caved SO fast! There was a lady who was from the dark side walking around and kind of watching us and Rhett was so nervous and whispering to Chris, "Don't let her look at me!" When Chris laughed and tried to tell me what Rhett had said Rhett got even more concerned and said, "SSSHHH, they'll hear you!"  After it was over and we had escaped and I was asking Mia and Rhett what they thought, they both said they loved it. Mia said, "That was so spooky! I loved it! I thought they were even gonna kill us!"

Waiting for the Fantasmic firework show to start

Always such a magical day

The last day we hung out at the mall and went to a movie. The kids thought the decorations at the mall were pretty awesome.