Tuesday, February 11, 2020

We saw what looked like a dead horse on our walk one day. It kind of freaked Reesie out, but Mia and Rhett were pretty stoked. Mia was sure that the horse got too close to the swamp and was eaten by an alligator.

Reesie K. LOVES to swing.

I picked this outfit for Mia to wear to school one day, and on my way to drop her off Mia said, "Mom everyday you dress me up famous and all the other kids are in kids clothes." I asked her how I had dressed her famous, and she said, "These pants and jacket are famous!"


I love comparison pictures! I've always thought that all of my kids looked just like Chris, but seeing all of our little faces lined up like this made it easier for me to see a little more of myself in them. They are all the most adorable little mixes of Chris and I <3


One day Rhett walked into our bedroom, flipped Chris off, and said, "This is my birthday finger. Happy Birthday!!!" He was pretty shocked to learn that that didn't mean what he thought it meant.

Rhett was trying to do an ab workout with Chris and I and he went to do a move and then after a second, dropped to the ground and said, "Oh I'm dead for life! I'm ouched for life!"


Mia was going with Chris to get some food and the place they went to was crazy busy. As they were walking away, Mia told Chris, "Dad, I think that place has gone viral." 

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