Friday, June 5, 2020

We planted a garden for the first time this year! I'm SO excited! Chris built us these planter boxes and we picked out some beans, corn, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, and strawberries that we are all VERY excited about. I hope I turn out to be a decent gardener :)

 My sweet little son... He came inside with this gruesome little number on his chest. When I asked him what had happened, he said "I just wanted to do a really cool trick on the tree. I just wanted to be the coolest guy ever!" I told him he already is the coolest guy ever. He's pretty cute, even when he's a little banged up.

18 weeks along with this precious little teeny baby

Mia and Rhett took off on their bikes without training wheels this month. I've known they have both been ready for so long, but they have both been so nervous about it. I've been telling them for a long time, "You are completely ready to do it, all you need is to believe in yourself. Just tell yourself 'I know I can do it!'" They finally worked up the courage, and Chris ran behind both of them for just a few seconds and then they both took of so easily, turning and everything without us teaching them a single thing! So exciting and funny that they were so scared. Another adorable thing is that after having those conversations with Mia and Rhett, Reese started saying, "I KNOW my can do it!" 

Little sleepies

The hair that I loved but Mia hated and said was not the side braid she had asked for...:) so I snapped a quick picture and we changed it to how she wanted it.

Memorial Day
Powdered jelly doughnuts and chocolate milk daddy picked up for breakfast

First swim of the year and Grandma and Grandpa Smith's. My girls were so cute! Reesie wanted to get out of her sitting floatie and put on a life jacket and swim! She looked completely ADORABLE with her little baby stubby legs kicking away and her big smile yelling "I'm swimming!" :) I loved it so much. And Mia has really turned a corner. She was going down the slide and jumping off the diving board for the first time, and she loved all of it! I'm so excited for her.


We went for a Ranger ride in Farmington Canyon one night after Chris was done with work. The Brower's came, and it was so beautiful and fun, we all loved it so much! Rhett said it was "never ending fun!"

It was crazy, at the top there was still a TON a snow! Mia and Rhett were so excited to sled down a snow hill on their bums :)

It was so hot at the bottom, but windy and cold at the top

Rhett thought it was so sweet that Reesie was holding his arm :) On our way back down, Rhett fell asleep! It was so shocking and funny because it was a pretty crazy, bumpy, and windy ride to sleep through. And Reese was wide awake and having the time of her life!

 20 weeks along. Halfway!

She loves swimming so much!


Came in and told me "I stuck a tissue up my nose so far that it got stuck, and then it made me achoo. And I achooed and achooed and then it just came out! And it had a little bit of blood on it."
I can't remember what he tried, but he said, "At the end it tastes like poop. It was a diarrhito poop."

"I don't even know what is going to happen when I grow up. I think I'm just going to....poop all day??"

I asked Rhett what he would do if we had two Rhett boys. He said, "If we had two Rhett boys that were the same size, then I would call it mission accomplished." :) I was like, me too buddy.


I told Mia to go get dressed one day and she told me that I wasn't dressed. I told her that I was dressed, and she said, "Those are pajamas." She was talking about my sweat pants, and I told her they were the only pants that fit me right now :)
"I like your hair. But I think it will look better once you're done with being pregnant. You need new pants!" :) Nothing like some 5 year old honesty to make you feel ready to face the day.

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