Sunday, October 18, 2020

Tessa's Birth

I was pregnant with Tessa for almost a full week longer than I've ever been pregnant before, but I've already forgiven her ;). Much to my dismay, I made it to my induction date, October 16, 2020. Chris and I went to the hospital at 6:00 AM for the induction, and I was dilated to a 3.5 and 80% effaced. By 7:45, they had started me on pitocin. We waited for long hours. I felt what I would describe as mild contractions, and kept telling Chris and the nurse that I didn't feel like I was in labor at all, and that I had already had much stronger contractions than this at home during this pregnancy. I had had such intense contractions at home with shivering, that I thought for sure Tessa was coming days ago, but she never did. at 12:00 I had barely progressed to a 4.5 and contractions still felt mild, even though they had steadily been turning up my pitocin. They were talking about breaking my water, and the nurse was asking me if I wanted an epidural before they did that. After talking with the nurse about it for a while, I decided to go ahead and get the epidural, even though I felt silly getting it when I wasn't in any pain at all. The big thing that made me decide to get it at this point was the fear that something might go wrong or become emergent (probably residual fear from Reese's delivery) and if that happened and we needed to do an emergency C-section, I wanted them to be able to go in as soon as possible, and not have an epidural for me be a hold up to life saving measures for the baby. 
By 3:30 I had gotten the epidural and right after that got my water broken and was dilated to a 5. A half hour later, at 4:00 I started having shivers, which usually has happened when my babies are about to be born. At 4:30 I was dilated to a 6.5 and 90% effaced. Shortly after I felt like the baby was coming and so Chris went and got our nurse. It was 5:15 and my nurse checked me and said, "Oh! there's the baby!" I was dilated to a 10 and 100% effaced. We waited for the doctor who had just left the hospital to rush back through bad traffic, and at 6:16 pm Tessa Jean Brower was born
7 lbs 2 oz
20.5 inches long


Some sweet things that Chris said to me while we were in the hospital;
"I don't think you realize that whenever we have another girl, another horcrux is made. My heart just rips in half and part of it stays with them."
"We make cute kids Brookie."

After a couple of nights in the hospital, we were able to bring her home to meet her siblings. No one was allowed to visit us in the hospital because of the Covid 19 pandemic. It was the sweetest thing the see Mia, Rhett, and Reese meeting Tessa.
Soon after we had Tessa home, I told Rhett "K, I need to feed her now."
Rhett: "Ok, go get the food!"
Me:"....I have the food."

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