Saturday, December 25, 2021


 On Christmas Eve, Chris made these awesome Christmas pancakes for us. The kids LOVED it. Rhett said, "There's a new chef in town, and his name is Chris-tah-fer-Brower!" Then later he said, "Dad, you're a legend!"

Tuesday, December 21, 2021





Duke's prints from running in the snow are pretty mind blowing


I was telling Reesie to hurry and she said, "No I can't go fast. Then I will fall to death!"

"English is our Spanish."

To me- "You're beautiful with your earrings. But you're also beautiful without all of these things."

Whenever she's talking about a day in the past she calls it "lasterday" and whenever she's talking about a day in the future she calls it "nexterday".

While we were making out gingerbread houses, she was eating a lot of the frosting and candy decorations. She ate some little snowflake sprinkles and said, "This tastes like candy cane poop."


Chris: Hey Rhett, what are you doing?

Rhett: Just getting my toys.

Chris: What toys?

Rhett: Don't worry about it.