Monday, January 31, 2022


Mia 2nd Grade

Rhett Kindergarden

Reesie's picture of me <3

 Rhett lost his first tooth! He pulled it out all by himself :)


Rhett pulled out his 2nd tooth about a week and a half after the 1st one :)


Sweet baby Tessa is not quite 18 months now, and she is just so adorable! She has the sweetest, cheesiest, big smile that just lights up her precious face. Her vocabulary is exploding! She said "Dad, boo!" the other day, and she yells all of the names in our family, and it is just so precious. A few weeks ago in church I was sitting near the open door in Young Womens, and just letting Tessa walk around and play in the hall while I watched her. She went around the corner, and I couldn't see her for a minute, but I was sure she would come back any second, so I wasn't really worried. A few moments later, she came back into the room holding hands with a leading another baby who is very similar age. She must have found her playing in the hall with her mom, and brought her back to class with us :)! It was so cute and adorable, I was laughing pretty hard. She now has 10 teeth, her top two molars recently popped out. At her 15 month appointment she was

Height: 2' 6.8" (59th%)

Weight: 19 lbs 10 oz (26th%)

Head Circumference: 19 in (97th%)



She peed on the floor and said, "I'm not the one whose fault it is."


She was in the bath and I was around the corner in the kitchen when I heard her yell, "Mom, I'm getting out of this freakin bath!"


Chris: Did you have a toot day?

Rhett: There's no such thing as a toot day.

Reese: Yes there is Rhett!


"I wouldn't have nothing if I didn't have you mom. Cause you're the one who makes us food." :)


While saying our family prayer Reesie said, "Thank you that daddy doesn't spank us anymore and mommy does it now."


She drew pictures of Chris and I and said, "This is daddy saying 'Mia go to time out', and this is mommy saying 'I love you.'"


I knocked over a cereal box, and Reesie said, "That's ok mom, everybody makes mistakes."


When she messed up on something she said, "Oh bother." :)




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