Wednesday, August 31, 2022

 Just something about blurry imperfect photos taken by my kids that just seems so perfect sometimes.

Came back from Island Park to the cabinets being done

A note to Mia from Rhett

A note from Rhett to me <3

I love our beautiful new countertops <3 + it's such a relief to have a functioning kitchen again.


Mia started dance again. She is so excited and loving it.

One morning Reesie climbed in bed with Tessa when she heard her calling to get out. I saw them on the wyze cam snuggling so sweetly. 


Rhett's handsome eyes and sunkissed cheeks

Reesie all bundled up for bed :)

Tessa has fallen in love with little Gracie. She kept begging to hold her, and the saying "My baby!"

Took off the baseboards on the kitchen island to get new flooring and got a good side by side of the old stain next to the new staing

We took Rhett to the dentist after he was telling us his teeth were hurting him. He had 8 cavities </3. He had to get 3 crowns, 3 cavities filled, and 2 teeth pulled out. They put him under anesthesia to do it all. 

Got our new floors done :)


Reesie was eating her breakfast and bit her finger. She was crying and Tessa tried to comfort her so sweetly <3

Reesie really mastering the art of the selfie :,D

Darling Reesie and Tessa

+ haven't gotten our new baseboards in yet.


Reesie's pictures of Tessa and I

 Chris and his dad went in on a new boat together. Everyone is very excited and we love being out on the water with the family

Chris is stoked to be the captain :)



Me: "Tessa, do you want some of this?"

Tessa: "No, I don't want."


*When we're driving, if I ever have to stop*

"Go mommy!! Go go go mommy!"


*Whenever anyone is sad or crying*

"What happened???"




After she had an accident, "It's just that right before I started going to the bathroom, it made me pee...crazy huh?!"

Me: *laughed

Reesie: "Are you not mad at me?"

Me: "No, I'm not mad at you."

Reesie: "Thanks."


I heard her yelling out the window at some birds in our yard, "Hey! Hey! Get away from my mom's plants! Get away from my mom's plants and get out of our yard!"


When I was making dinner one day, "I love it when you make. You're a really good maker. Better than chefs!"


While doing a puzzle and trying to fit a piece somewhere, "Uhhh this used to go right there. But now it doesn't fit." 


I picked her up and she said, "Hey! You flipped my shirt up when you lifted me up."

Me: "Oh, sorry."

Reesie: "That's ok! Everybody makes mistakes. But that doesn't mean they're bad."

Me: "Oh Reesie <3"

Reesie: "I know everything about mistakes."


She keeps saying the word "attackling"


We had a family reunion at Chris's grandparent house, and at one point one of Chris's great aunts was throwing coins in the shallow end of the pool for the kids to grab. Reesie came up with two fists full of coins and raised her hands in the air and yelled, "I LOVE money! I makes me RICH!!! I'm RICH!" 


While struggling to sit through a two hour stake conference meeting, Reesie was on my lap just fidgeting continuously. Finally she turned around so she was facing me, grabbed me around the neck, arched her back and loudly said "Ugghhhh... I don't like this church!" 


Mia played 'Old Maid' with some cousins, and it was explained to her that and old maid was a term for an older woman who had never married. Weeks later, we were driving in the car and Mia asked me, "What do you call an old man that isn't married? An old butler?"


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