Sunday, December 31, 2023


Mia's class was learning about how in different cultures people eat different things. In some cultures people eat bugs. Some kids in the class said they wanted to try it, so her cute teacher ordered some bugs and the kids all got to choose if they wanted to try it or not. Mia was brave and tried one and decided that they weren't that bad ha ha :) I'm proud of this girl for working on a weakness of hers (trying new foods) and it is now a strength! A lot of kids in the class wouldn't try it, but Mia was brave.

Reesie looking like a little autumn fairy

Reesie's drawing for me :)

Cutiest cutie right before her dress rehearsal. She's just too darling <3

And on the day of her recital. I was so proud of this little girl! She has been overcoming her fears. Last recital she did her best but you could just see she was uncomfortable onstage. She couldn't bring herself to smile, and you could see her discomfort in her face and body language. This time she was nervous but we talked a lot about how even when we're nervous we stand tall and smile and then people won't even know we are nervous. She did exactly that! She smiled so big and darling onstage and she looked like the sweetest little princess. I am so proud of her for not quitting when something feels uncomfortable or hard. She keeps going and she is getting stronger because of it. I love this little Reesie and her big fun personality!

Got to be in the same recital with our cute cousin Eisley

She was so brave and smiled so sweet in her performance, but when they came back onstage to wave in the finale, the discomfort was back. Bless this cute girl's heart ha ha <3

Reesie wanted to get her ears pierced for Christmas this year. She was so brave when she got them done, and after watching her Tessa wanted hers pierced too. She sat down on the chair with the hugest smile on her face and didn't even cry. It was a pretty cute little experience with these two precious girls.

Rhett's note to Levi

And Reese's note to Grandma


Rhett: "I call it Tuesday."
Tessa: "I call it Threes-day."

One morning Tessa was trying to get me out of bed early and I was trying to tell her to just go play for a while and I'd be up in a minute. She said, "Mom pleeeease! It's my life!"

There was a Chik Fil A card game that had questions to ask your kids. 
Me reading the card: "How do you show a friend that you care about them?"
Tessa: "Ummmm you just run away from them."
Me *laughing: "That's how you show a friend that you care about them?"
Tessa: "Ya, cause you don't want to see em. You just want to be alone."

Tessa singing along to The First Noel
Song: "Nooel noel noel noeeeelll
Tessa: "Nooo way noo way, no way no waaaaayyy!"


Chris: "I should be home around 5."
Reese: "I'll lose my tooth on like the 28th or something."


After looking at old pictures of himself, "Man my look has changed so much. I went from little Rhett boy who was helpless, to big Rhett man who is just killin' it!"


Rhett: "I was a virgin when I was first born."
Me: "That's not what a virgin is."
Mia: "Ya, a virgin is someone who lights a candle."
Me: laughing
Mia: "What? A virgin is someone whose never lit a candle."
(I'm sure she came by this little misunderstanding from the movie Hocus Pocus)