Saturday, December 2, 2023

Rhett's Baptism

 This day finally came and Rhett was so happy! I was so happy for him that his long awaited special day was finally here. My sweet boy made sacred covenants with Heavenly Father. I am so grateful for that incredible blessing that we have on this earth life, to bind ourselves to Heavenly Father and be blessed by his power in our lives as we keep those covenants. Not many things are more beautiful than that. Rhett was baptized and confirmed by his dad, and he chose Mia to give a talk about the Holy Ghost. Mia did such a sweet job. She wrote the talk with a little bit of guidance from me, but most of the choices she made on her own, including what scriptures to use. She was so sweet and the whole experience was so special. I'm so grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ.

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