Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Our beginning

Chris and I met our junior year, and started dating as seniors.  Before taking me on our first date, Chris had heard a lot about my dad's reputation of being a little bit intimidating when it came to letting boys take out his daughters.  So on our first date, which happened to be to the homecoming dance, Chris came prepared. 

He showed up with a 'dating recommend', complete with a signature from his bishop and stake president. :) Needless to say, this little manuveur quickly won both my parents' hearts.  

Chris and I continued dating throughout high school and the summer after graduation.  

Senior prom

Giant stuffed monkey Chris won for
me at Lagoon one day

After about two years of dating, Chris received a call to serve a mission to London, England.  

Chris loved his mission and was an amazing missionary.  I missed him a lot, but loved getting letters. I'm amazed at how much we grew together, in spite of being so far apart.

Sadly, because of multiple injuries, surgeries, and health concerns, Chris' mission was cut short.  He returned home with an Honorable Medical Release after about ten months of dedicating his life to the Lord.

Chris' arm in a sling, soon before he came home 
for surgery #1

Chris toughing it out in the mission field 
with a casted hand shortly after surgery #2
(still recovering from surgery #1 as well)

Soon after being released, Chris proposed to me! I said YES :)

After about a two and a half month long engagement, Chris and I were sealed for time and all eternity in the Bountiful Temple.  I still have a hard time believing that this is my life, and I get to spend it with this amazing boy who I love SO much!

We spent our first week together in California.  Visiting the beach and Disneyland was awesome! 

I L-O-V-E these t-shirts Chris and I found!

I could not ask for more than the life I have with Chris.  My reality has definitely surpassed my wildest dreams.  I'm so blessed to have the marriage that I have with the love of my life, and the Lord and our testimonies as our greatest strength. I'm so grateful to know that my life with Chris will never end. 

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