Monday, April 28, 2014

Month #7

This baby girl is 7 months old!  Time flies!  She is such a precious little stinker.  Mia is a girl who knows what she wants, and she thinks she is getting too big for mommy's help.  If I offer her a drink, she refuses until I set it down and let her get it herself.  Most of the time she won't eat unless she is holding a spoon, so she can feel like she is feeding herself.  I didn't think that my baby would want to do things herself when she is this little, but Mia definitely has a little mind of her own :).  She has started getting a little upset sometimes when I leave the room, even when Chris is with her.  She loves to give me hugs and kisses when she hasn't seen me in a while.  She rolls everywhere, and tries to figure out crawling, but hasn't gotten it yet.  We love everything about this baby girl and her sweet little cheeks.

Rolled until she crashed :)
Already getting into drawers!

Mia loves to eat!  Most of the time, we can't get the spoon in her mouth fast enough.

Mia loves hanging out with daddy.  They love to play video games 

precious baby smiles

Friday, April 25, 2014

Semester Break

My favorite thing about my one week break from school is having time to kill with my two favorite people. Since Chris is still finishing up this semester, Mia and I kept him company on the drive up to school, and played in the car while he was in class. I love spending time with these two cuties!

We stopped for lunch at Olive Garden on the way home, and Mia somehow lost her sock while we were there.  This is the first time we've lost a sock in public, but I'm sure it won't be the last…:)

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


I'm halfway done with nursing school, and I couldn't be more relieved! I am now a Licensed Practical Nurse.  I'm so grateful to mine and Chris' mom's for babysitting Mia, for Chris and Mia who put up with all my studying, and my awesome friends.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

SO fun to see these sweet baby girls together!

I have been beyond blessed in the sister department.  My sisters are without a doubt my best friends.  I love and count on each of them so much! 

Jayce made this sweet little mini Mia

Monday, April 7, 2014

General Conference

General Conference is such a blessing!  I love hearing such sacred, powerful testimonies, being rejuvenated and inspired, and gathering with family.  It is such an amazing thing to be a part of.  I love being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  I love the testimony I have been blessed to share with Chris and the eternal bond that this gospel has given us.  I love the parental direction the gospel gives us.  Everything I love most about my life, I can trace directly back to the gospel and the choices I have made because of my testimony.  I feel so blessed to be a part of this marvelous work.

Seeing this baby girl watching the prophet speak was such a precious moment.  I know that the most important thing I can do for my sweet Mia is to help her feel the spirit and gain a relationship with her Heavenly Father and her own personal testimony.  I'm so grateful for parents who did those things for me.  I love my sweet baby more than anything, and I will do everything in my power to help her gain what I hold most dear; a testimony of this gospel.

One of the best things about General Conference is seeing family at Grandma and Grandpa Bitter's!

I don't know how anyone's heart is safe with this precious little smile on the loose!