Monday, February 22, 2016

Month #3

Rhett is a dream baby. He usually sleeps 9-11 hours a night! He is quickly becoming a pro at his little routine :) He is SO quick to smile and he loves socializing and getting one on one attention. He started laughing this month and I could die! 

Rhett met his sweet cousin Lewis and they are already best of friends! Rhett-3 months, Lewis-3 weeks.

The other day while I was outside taking Reggie potty I could hear Rhett crying inside. I usually put him in his bouncer on this corner of the counter so he will be safe from Mia and all her love :). I was trying to hurry and finish up with Reggie so I could go help him. When I finally got inside, Rhett had stopped crying. I came around the corner to see that Mia had pushed a barstool over to his corner of the counter and climbed up to comfort him. She was softly singing "it's otay… you otay buddy…" when I found them. 

One day I was telling Rhett that he was so cute I could just eat him up. Mia quickly jumped in to protect him. "Don't eat Rhett mom! Peese don't eat Rhett!" 

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