Saturday, February 6, 2016

Rhett ALWAYS has a tummy time buddy

Just best little friends :)

Moved to a 'big girl' bed, and SO proud of it!


 "Reggie you're my best friend!"

"Come on Reggie, come on puppy, lets go! Come play!"
-and then they go running around and around the table and island

"3 little pigs, puff a puff, the end." :)

Even though Mia is constantly smothering Rhett, we can tell he loves her. He always smiles when he sees her and it is the most precious thing to see these two interact together. Once when Mia was smothering Rhett with kisses and love, I stepped in to save him. As I was carrying him away, Mia said through her tears "that's MY brother mom! I wanna tiss him!" She just can't contain her love!

Once when Rhett was laying on my lap, Reggie came over and licked the top of his head. Rhett started crying and Mia jumped up and pushed Reggie away and said "Yeave my brother alone!" It melts my heart to see her love him so much and feel so protective of him. Never once has she acted jealous of her little brother. She loves him so much! Chris and I are so lucky!

When I was sick a few weeks ago, Mia said the sweetest things to me- "it's otay mom, you feel better, daddy tome home soon" Then she would give me a kiss and say "peese don't cry mom, it's otay, you feel better". I challenge anyone to hear such a precious little girl say that to them, and not cry…:)

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