Monday, August 22, 2016

Month #9

Weight: 18 lbs 2 oz (25th %)
Length: 28.3 inches (50th %)
Head Circumference: 17.8 inches (50th %)

Rhett's first word was "mama", which surprised me so much because I always am telling him "dada". It completely melted my heart when he started to say it all the time, but now he mostly just screams it when I'm not feeding him fast enough! He's gotten pretty demanding about his food :) He has started to say "dada" too, and he seems to know what they mean, because he will say it to us like he wants us. He has become much less enthusiastic about baby food but will still eat some as long as he is distracted by some real food on his tray while I sneak baby food bites in in between. He eats so much at one sitting and loves scrambled eggs and pizza. I can't think of a single thing I have fed him that he hasn't liked. He is so fast now. The first time he climbed up the stairs I was shocked! He had never even attempted them before and I was busy making dinner. By the time I noticed he wasn't around anymore, he was all the way at the top of the stairs! I couldn't believe he had figured it out that fast. He is too nervous to try to come down by himself so he is constantly climbing all the way up by himself and then after a while I will hear him calling me. When I go up, he will be standing there at the top of the stairs waiting for me to come bring him down. :) it's seriously one of my favorite things. 

I'm constantly finding Rhett here. It is one of his favorite things to climb up on Mia's chair in her room and look out the window. It is so adorable!

And just like that, Rhett is climbing stairs.

 It seems like Mia was a pretty cautious baby, so Rhett's fearlessness blows my mind. 

I can't get enough of his sleeping face

Mia took these pictures of Rhett's profile while she was playing with my phone, and I fell in love with them!

His eyelashes…

I'm sure Rhett won't always be so attached to me as he is now, so I am soaking up every second of it!

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