Thursday, December 8, 2016

Chris got a duck boat this year and has started to get really into duck hunting.

Mia loves her princess dresses

Mia saying her goodbyes to Duke before he heads off to the trainer for about 6 months! 

Rhett bit Mia's cheek and broke skin :( it was so sad, but she forgave his about 2 seconds later. She kept telling me "He just a baby mommy! He doesn't know!" She is such a sweet, loving sister.

I love my sleepy girl

I gave Mia a haircut to help her hair even out and thicken out. A lot of hair is gone, but she is just as adorable as ever!

I often think that if my kids grow up to be as dedicated to anything as they are to making messes right now, they will be famous or something. Seriously…

The first snow of the year was so exciting at our house! Mia was dying to get outside and luckily Chris was working from home that day because the roads were no good. He was able to hang out with Rhett while I took Mia out to play! She literally said "This is the best day ever!" at least 10 times. It was so fun building a snowman with my little girl! She kept saying "lets do all the Christmas things!" 

Mia is so excited about the snowy weather we are having!

I took Mia to see the Moana at the movie theaters and we had the funnest and sweetest little one on one time together. I love being reminded just how precious our individual relationship is as well as our sweet family one! Mia loved getting her own little kids meal of popcorn and treats and snuggling with mommy. She was so excited about everything going on in the movie, and was a little too loud, but it was the sweetest little mommy daughter date ever. Halfway through the movie, Mia gave me a big hug and said "You the best mommy ever to Rhett boy and Mia and Daddy!" That moment meant so much to me, and it brought tears to my eyes. I love this girl so much!

Rhett loves his daddy so much. I can't even stress enough how much this boy loves his daddy. He talks about "Da! Da!" all day long, lights up when he sees Chris, and gives him the most kisses and hugs of anyone. Chris is one lucky guy. I ask Chris all the time how it feels to have such a sweet little angel love you so much :) Chris says it's the best thing ever!

Chris went and visited Duke at his hunting training. He obviously loves his dog…:)

Chris is proud of his duck hunters


"You're daddy's angel mommy!"

Chris told Mia she could go to the temple when she grows up. Mia said "I hope I will grow up. I will grow up someday I hope."

"I didn't fart mom. My bum did it. All by itself."

"I didn't burp mom. My throat fart."

I told Mia it was so cold outside that she would freeze her bum off if she didn't put on her winter clothes. She said "It will not fall off. With these pants and these underwear."

Mia was laughing about something and then turned to Rhett and said "Right Rhett?! We a team!!"

"I love you mom. You my precious mommy!"

" I love your snuggles mom."

"You are a very beautiful mommy."

"Do it from the heart kisses."

To Rhett, "Why you so cute all the time?!"

I was trying to stretch Mia's bedtime to a little later. She and Rhett usually go to bed around 7:00 pm now. It was about 6:45 and Mia asked me "Can I go to bed yet?" She is so hilarious. This little girl loves and needs her sleep. She's been my little sleeping champ her whole life.

We were at the mall the other night and Mia saw Santa Clause. She immediately lit up and started saying "It's Santa! It's Santa!" We took her over to sit on his lap and talk to him. She was a little shy, but so happy to be meeting Santa. After she was done she ran over to Chris and said "I did it daddy! I talked to Santa!!" Christmas is going to be SO fun this year!

Lately when I put Mia in time out or she gets in trouble she has been getting pretty upset with me. She has said to me a couple of times "You are not a good mommy!!" It pretty much tears me up to hear my sweet, precious little 3 year old angel say that to me. And it brought back memories I'm not proud of of me saying similar things to my own mom in similar circumstances. I've been thinking a lot about it lately. About how the only reason I give her those consequences is to try to help her make good choices and always be the sweet little girl that I know that she is. I do it because I love her so much and want to help her make choices that will bring her happiness. I then thought about how our Heavenly Father must feel when we are going through trials or horrible things happen in the world and he gets accused of being a bad Father. It really gave me perspective and helped reaffirm my testimony to me that Heavenly Father's hand is in our lives and he has nothing but love and hope for us. Even when we don't like how our circumstances are looking, or when something horrible happens and we wonder how God could allow it, I know He is there doing everything he can to help our outcome be even better than we could imagine. I am like the 3 year old girl who just doesn't understand that my Father knows exactly what he is doing. He is teaching me because he loves me so much and wants the best for me. 

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