Friday, May 12, 2017

Mia wanted to write a note to daddy and then send him a picture of it while he was at work because she was missing him…:)

Melting into a puddle on the floor as I watch these two snuggle each other.

Early morning, no makeup, one on one time with Rhett before Mia wakes up…

Sometimes Mia takes my phone and plays paparazzi :). Chris was in our room working when Mia took these of him and I loved finding them on my phone later. I'm so grateful for everything Chris does to take care of us all, and to top it all off, he looks pretty dang good doing it ;)

Rhett has a complete obsession with his daddy and I melt right into a puddle when I see them together.


Rhett loves to say "knuckles!" and then pound fists with you. He also loves high fives and bonking heads together. He has started repeating a lot of what he hears us say and has recently said "take it, yellow, book, and go." He says "mmmmmmmm, good" when eating something he likes. He is working on saying "please" and it is the sweetest thing ever! If you ask him what the bear says he will growl. While Chris was driving us all around recently, Rhett kept saying "whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!" He has started repeating the lines to songs and surprised us by singing "hey hey hey!" while we were listening to a song in the car. When Chris got home the other day Rhett started yelling "YAY!!! Dada! Dada!" while running to give Chris a hug. He loves to get kisses on his owies and a few days ago started hitting his hand on the wall on purpose over and over, running over to get a kiss, and then repeating the whole process :)


I told Mia her hair was getting kinda long and she said "Like yours?! Yay! It's going to be all the way like Rapunzel!!!"

Mia has started saying "Are you kidding me?!" a lot :)

We were in the car listening to the song 'Soul Man', and Mia started singing along "I'm sooo mad!" Chris and I were dying laughing!

I don't remember the circumstances of this one but Mia told Chris "Just worry about yourself Dad!" 

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