Friday, June 2, 2017

I feel so lucky that Kayla asked me to help her get ready for her first prom ever! Loved being a part of this gorgeous sister of ours big night.

 Over the past few months Mia has started to struggle with car sickness :(. She has thrown up a few times while we've been on longer trips and even on short trips will tell us her belly is hurting. We've had to start rolling down the window for her a bunch and help her take some deep breaths. These pictures are of her in the car after telling us her belly was hurting and we rolled down the window for her. I looked back to see she had pulled up her shirt so the wind could hit it and help it feel better :) I love this beautiful little knucklehead!

 I love the way these two play! They are the sweetest little siblings who have their hard moments with each other, but most of the time they are the sweetest little friends who look out for each other and love each other so much! Sibling love is one of my favorite kinds of love!!!

We sold our beautiful little town home a few weeks ago and are living with Chris' parents while we try to get a new house. These pictures of Rhett and Chris were taken the morning after we moved in after Rhett came out from sleeping to see daddy asleep on the couch. He sat down right on his chest :) The first few nights Chris and I slept on an air mattress in the family room, Rhett slept in the office in a pack n play, and Mia was in a finished bedroom in the basement that she will be staying in the whole time we're here. After a few days the room Chris, Rhett and I are staying in was finished, so we got to move out of the living room.

Rhett sleeps in the huge walk in closet of the room Chris and I are sleeping in.

Mia's room. We're so grateful to have such a nice place to stay.

Rhett is so hilarious the way he relaxes in to watch his favorite show, 'How To Train Your Dragon'.

The first swim of the year at Grandma and Grandpa Smith's with my little fishy

I love these two messy little hoodlums. It honestly makes me so happy that my girl would rather be out in the mud all day than staying clean and sitting in front of the TV or something. I seriously couldn't be happier than to find her with mud caked all over her legs, wild hair, and a smile on her face from her day of adventuring. I love how much she loves to be outside.

Rhett always pokes his feet or arms out through the slats in the crib while he's sleeping :)

Mia and Rhett sit on these four-wheelers all day and pretend they a driving, so it's a huge treat when Grandpa takes them for a little ride around the backyard.


Rhett is seriously the most loving little boy. He melts my heart! He will often start hitting and pushing because he loves to rough house with his daddy and thinks it's so fun, but the minute somebody says "ow" he will change gears and give hugs and kisses to make it better. He loves to see kids his age and will often go give hugs to random strangers as long as they are about his size. he understands almost everything we say and it's crazy to see how grown up he seems when we tell him to do something and he does it. He loves to chant "pizza, pizza, pizza!" whenever we are eating pizza.


Mia ran inside from playing saying she needed to go potty and then got distracted by some of her cousins and never ended up getting to the bathroom. When I asked her if she had gone potty she said. "My bum changed it's mind."

Fell over and said "WHOA! Silly me!"

She had been coughing and her voice was a little hoarse. She said one morning "My mouth is not doing a girl voice. It's only doing a boy voice!"

"I LOVE you daddy! You're so prince charming!"

After seeing Silas "Mommy I saw the baby and I touched him!!! He's so cute! I love him!"

Chris said something about kissing being gross and Mia yelled "Kissing is not gross dad! Kissing is cute! Look!" and she kissed me. :)

Chris was teasing Mia and saying how she was such a nice pillow and laying his head on her. Mia said "Chris! This is not a joke you crazy knucklehead!" 

"Goodnight mommy beautiful. Goodnight! I love your hair!"

When I came into her room one day while she was playing she said "You startled me!" This girl is 3! :)

The night we moved in with Chris' parents we were tucking Mia into bed and she was saying a prayer. She prayed, "Heavenly Father, thank you for this day. And we moved to grandma's house. And it's a little different. But we still eat and play." It was so adorable how she was just talking to her Heavenly Father like she would to her own dad. 

Lately Mia loves to wear her hair down. Most of the time she doesn't want me to do it, and if I do put it up for church or something, as soon as we get home she takes it out and shakes her hair and tells me, "It's so beautiful!" I love that she loves her hair and feels so beautiful with it down, even though it gets a little wild. She's just completely adorable! I love this little girl's spirit.

Mia looked up at the half moon in the sky and said "The moon got cracked apart on the other side. It's so weird!"

When I was putting Mia to bed she said "Are you coming back tomorrow? I will cry if you don't or something!" 

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