Thursday, January 4, 2018

 A little winter bonfire that the kids were pretty excited about

The kids watching daddy while he works with Duke.

Mia and Lyla :)

I wish I had a video of Rhett convincing his daddy to smile for these pictures. Cutest!

Sometimes finding pictures Mia has taken on my phone is my favorite thing. It's one of the only times I see candid pictures of myself, and I love how she can sometimes capture our everyday life,  like early morning snuggles with my little Rhett boy.

 Little twinners

A few hunting pictures from Chris and Duke

Not very cute… but here's my foot 1 month later. Still a little swollen and sore, but TONS better!

 5 1/2 months (23 1/2 weeks) along with baby girl. Starting to feel pretty huge and LOTS of movement going on in there. I tell Chris all the time, "This baby is getting serious". We found out we're having a baby girl! Mia is SO excited. She always told me from the beginning that she was going to have a little sister. When I told her it might be a boy she would say "But I already have a brother. I'm going to have a sister this time." I was worried about her being disappointed, but it turns out, she was right :). She keeps telling us that she is going to name the baby Joo-La-La. Pretty hilarious and adorable. I keep thinking that no matter how many times I am pregnant, I don't think it will ever stop being shocking to see this happen to my body. Pregnancy is so amazing!
If Rhett patting and rubbing my cheek while were snuggling and saying "uv oo mommy. Uv oo." over and over isn't the sweetest thing in this entire world, then I have no idea what is!


Pretty often when Rhett gets a little bonk or something and maybe starts to whimper or cry, Chris or I will tell him "You're fine, bud." while we hug and comfort him. Well the other day after Chris had just done this to Rhett, Chris said something about how his neck hurt. Rhett quickly piped up with "dad fine! dad fine!" I guess this kid can dish it as well as he can take it!

Today I had some banana bread sitting on the counter that Rhett kept asking me to cut him pieces of. After giving him probably his 5th slice of the day I went to the bathroom and when I came out, Mia was walking in to me with the bag of banana bread with a knife stabbed through the bag and the loaf. Not a butter knife. A real knife. She was very concerned as she told me that Rhett had pushed a chair over to the sink and climbed in to get the knife I had used to cut the banana bread. Then, thankfully without hurting himself or Mia he climbed down with it and pushed another chair over to where the banana bread was and tried to cut himself a slice by stabbing the whole loaf through the bag. Somehow Mia had gotten it from him and brought it to me with the knife still sticking straight out of the loaf. I grabbed it all from Mia and went to talk to Rhett. I came out into the hall just in time to see Rhett walk into Mia's room with a tub full of cookie dough that I was keeping in the fridge. He gets into the fridge by pushing a chair over to it, climbing up and opening it, and then climbing right into the fridge. This kid is the real deal guys… 


To Rhett "Our whole family loves you bud!"

After Chris made Mia a cup of hot chocolate and gave her a cinnamon roll, "Daddy made all of my dreams come true!"

"Daddy, you're my prince! I love you so much dad!"

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